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Laboratory Procedure

Prepare the following parenteral solutions:


I. Physicians orders: (Mediation order # 1).

Patient:   B. F. Deal     Rm. #:  123      DOB:  2-7-45  
Acct. #:   246279         Date:   1-12-00

D5W 250 ml + 10 mEq KCL and 8 mEq Calcium Chloride

Infuse over 2 hours.


Medication Order # 1.  Large Volume Parenteral

Volume of KCl stock solution (2 mEq/ml) ________ ml
Volume of CaCl2 10% stock solution ________ ml
Total volume of solution ________ ml
Infusion rate in ml/min. ________ ml/min.
Infusion rate when IV set delivers 15 drops/ml ________ drops/min.


Technique/Inspection of Final Product______________________



II. Physicians orders: (Medication order # 2).

Patient:   Lea Mealone    Rm. #:  256       DOB: 1-2-92  

Acct. #:   247310         Date:   1-12-00

NS 50 ml c Na Ampicillin 200 mg

Infuse over 30 min. q 6h.


Medication Order # 2.  Small Volume Parenteral

(Ampicillin Na is available as 250 mg of a powder for reconstitution. When reconstituted with 1.9 ml of sterile water for injection the solution contains 250 mg/2 ml.)

Volume of ampicillin Na injection (250 mg/2 ml) ________ ml
Total volume of solution ________ ml
Infusion rate in ml/min. ________ ml/min.
Infusion rate when IV set delivers 60 drops/ml ________ drops/min.


Technique/Inspection of Final Product ______________________